Tariqua Madaniyya

Tariqua Madaniyya is connected with the Prophetic tradition through a transmission chain over fourteen centuries. In 1909, it was established in Tunisia by Sidi Mohammad al-Madani (1888-1959) who had got a robust theological education at the Mosque-University Zaytouna (Tunisia). After three years he spent with his Shaikh, Sidi Alaoui in Algeria, he returned to Tunisia and dedicated himself to his Tariqua’s followers for nearly 50 years. He left about fifteen works (books and notes) dealing with most of the religious sciences, the Moslem spirituality and the authentic Sufism. Since 1959, the Tariqua Madaniyya continues under the guidance of his successor, Sidi Mohammed al-Mounaouar al-Madani, who devoted his life to spreading the pure Sufism around the world. Due to its valuable teachings, to his infinite love for the Prophet (may the peace be upon him), to its robust knowledge of the Sharia, the Tariqua continues to shine in several countries of the world today.

Muhammad al Madani

Birth and education (1888 /1909)
Muhammad ibn-Khalifa al-Madani was born in the city of Ksibet al-Mediouni in 1888, in a noble family
His father Khalifa was a merchant, he was different from others and had a good temper. He has a cart in which he transported his harvest olive’s oil to Tunis where he could sell it and return to the village with substantial benefits. Since he was a pious man soonly becomes the first followers of the Sheikh as-Sadiq as-Sahrawi, muqaddam of the brotherhood Madaniyya Shadhiliyya in Tunisia. His spiritual teacher was sheikh Mohamed Zafir al-Madani.
Khalifa ibn – Hassan has a strongly desire to have a son and he wanted to give him the name of the founder of brotherhood (Muhammad-al-Madani)
When the son was born, he was named Muhammad al-Madani, and before 5 years old he joined the “Kùttab” to memorize the Quran.
He learned by hear 60 chapters of the book when he was only 12 years old. He was sent to Monastir city, where he attended the Quranic school courses and learned writing, reading, and how to calculate.
In 1901, he got back to hometown for starting up the religious sciences and the rules of syntax and Arabic grammar. He was taught by excellent teachers and in two years, the young Muhammad al-Madani becomes ready to join the courses of the big mosquet of Tunis city. At the age of fifteen years old he left the town which he grews up to join the Zaitouna university “… he was considerate as one of the best students in his class…”

Hikam (Words of Wisdom)

Hikam is the irregular plural of hikma, a term that refers to two notions in classical Arabic. On the one hand, it means the gnomic message expressed in a concise and expressive style. Is hikma any statement conveying sapiential content, represented in an incisive way. The maxim is thus defined as an edifying discourse aimed at educating minds through the preciousness of the style and consistency of the spiritual content depicted. On the other hand, this term refers to the moral wisdom that characterizes the hakīm, wise man. It is a kind of human depth endowing anyone with a height of vision, solid experience and ethical integrity…

The love

The love of creatures towards the True consists in respecting His orders and prohibitions. The Creator’s love for His creatures is to manifest Himself to them, to the point of becoming “hearing, sight, hand and foot”.


Renouncing the delights of the world below, dedicating oneself to Allāh and devoting one’s life to his worship without harming oneself or the rights of others, are commendable virtues.


Anyone who claims to have reached a stage [of knowledge] where religious obligations are abandoned is an impostor. Its claims are to be ignored.

The Prayer of the "Tree of Universes"

Verily God and His angels whelm in blessings the prophet. O ye who believe invoke blessings upon him and give him greetings of Peace. [33:56]

Recitation of the sura the event

The Prophet, ﷺ, prayed about as you do, but he lightened the prayer. He recited in the dawn prayer Al-Waqi’a and similar suras.

(100X) I ask forgiveness from Allah

[73-20] whatever good ye have accomplished for yourselves in advance, ye will find it with Allah; but it will be better (than your action) and a greater recompense (than that which your action merits).

(100X) the prayer upon the Prophet ﷺ

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our master Muhammad, Your servant and Messenger, the illiterate Prophet, as well as upon his family and companions.

The Wird of the Tariqa Madaniyya

The meetings of dhikr

In accordance with the Qur’an and the Prophetic Traditions, the Madaniyya Way attaches great importance to the daily and assiduous recitation of the Wird (set of suras or verses and invocations to be recited regularly every day). It consists of two distinct parts

Extrait du livre "La preuve des invocateurs"

“… Il l’a déjà dit et continue à dire, étant toujours conscient :Et les invocateurs souvent d´Allah et invocatrices: Allah a préparé pour eux un pardon et une énorme récompense.’ Après cela, lorsque la voie d’Allah s’est répandue dans les régions et que ceux présents et absents l’ont adoptée, et que les gens se sont pressés vers elle et se sont précipités en foule, certains ont négligé d’acquérir cette vertu. Ce sont ceux que les insinuations diaboliques et les impulsions égoïstes ont éloignés de s’accrocher à cette voie. Cependant, il faut noter que ces insinuations ne trouvent refuge que dans des cœurs désorientés. Ils s’opposent avec des paroles blessantes et méprisantes à ceux qui sont engagés dans la voie, affirmant que les formes de dhikr (l’invocation d’Allah) et de sessions de rappel que les adeptes de la voie pratiquent ne sont pas présentes dans la loi islamique. Cependant, cela ne correspond pas à la Sunna prophétique, pratiquée par son meilleur adepte, celui qui est le plus digne de la prière et du salut.”


Cheikh Sidi Mohammed Al-Madani présente son maître, Sheikh Sidi Ahmed Al-Alawi :

Il est le pôle le plus vénéré, le Secours spirituel le plus célèbre. Il est notre refuge suprême et notre forteresse invincible, la source des secrets divins et la source de notre voie Madani Al-Alawi.

Il est mon Maître Ahmed Al-Alawi, fils de Sidi Mustafa, fils de Sidi Mohammed, fils de Sidi Ahmed, connu sous le nom de Qadi Ben Sidi Mohammed, également connu sous le nom d’Abi Chantouf. L’auteur du livre « Les nobles de Moustghanem » dit à son propos :

Il est le Hanafi dévoué, le fils d’Alioua, le savant bien guidé.

Le cheikh Sidi Mohammed Al-Madani

Cheikh Ahmed Alawoui

O toi humble disciple, Muhammad bin Khalifa bin Al-Hajj Omar, également connu sous le nom de Madani. Tu nous a côtoyé pendant des jours et des jours ; Allah a dissipé tes doutes et tes illusions. Tu as tiré pleinement avantage de notre présence selon ta volonté et ta disposition; Il est donc essentiel que tu partages tes connaissances avec tes frères et sœurs.

Tant que l’homme avait tiré le meilleur parti de cette compagnie, il doit aider les autres. Il n’est pas permis à un être humain de garder pour lui-même la connaissance authentique qui lui a été confiée. La fonction de guidance et d’orientation t’appelle avec insistance ;

Guide ceux qui te demandent ; renoue avec ceux qui ont fait le choix de s’éloigner.

Nous te donnons l’autorisation verbale dans la voie Shadhiliyya, en complément de l’autorisation de cœur que tu as déjà reçue.
Il est primordial de cultiver l’amour envers ton Seigneur, car Allah descend sur Son serviteur là où le serviteur se rend humblement pour Lui. Je prie Allah de t’accorder une satisfaction éternelle. Sache que le secours dépend de la disposition …\…

Le cheikh Sidi Ahmad al- Alawi

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